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/ iWave Interactive 1 / iWave Interactive 01.iso / mac / _DATAS / MONGOLO.Dxr / 00322_Bitmap_MGTB54_6 (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1996-05-09  |  224KB  |  634x350  |  8-bit (110 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | daily | grass | mountain | newspaper | person | poster | sky | tie | windowpane
OCR: Topay the Mongolian army is the weakest in the and some interesting anecdotes illustrate this perfectly Fo1 xample stockbreeder living close the Russian border proudly explainec me how cousin and thirty of his friend surprisec lite anti -contraband com m andc force drinking ning and poob hiding igolian epublic on countries thin bout doing Keme W ltogether A. could 000 under au ippeo Mongoliar agains their Russian neighbour th north ane the Chinese trateqically longolia future diplomacy and support 01 the Pconomi Japan) explained